Project Safe Thrift Store

The Project Safe Thrift Store is a place for the community to shop and donate, but it also serves as another resource to Project Safe clients who are fleeing an abusive situation. Project Safe clients can shop at the store for free with vouchers and are given first priority on any donated items that suit a client’s current need.
Current Store Hours:
Our Thrift Store is supported by a small staff and an army of dedicated volunteers. Volunteers come from all over Athens to support Project Safe and include many student groups, sororities and fraternities, church groups, and local businesses. The generous effort and commitment from these volunteers in the fight against domestic violence help keep the Thrift Store running smoothly and safely.
90 cents of every dollar made at the thrift store goes to supporting client services and programs. . We ask that donations NOT be left on the sidewalk after hours. We cannot guarantee that your donation would be used as it was intended if it is left unattended when the store is unopened.
Donations are currently NOT being accepted on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
For the most up to date information on donation acceptance, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Do you have a large (in volume and/or size) donation but can’t make it to the store? Call our thrift store to speak with the Donations Manager, Adam Kittle. Pick-ups can be scheduled with advanced notice.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please email or visit the volunteer page. The Project Safe Thrift Store is located at 995 Hawthorne Ave. inside of the Bell’s Shopping Center in Athens.